
I'd like to float an idea which has been mentioned before, but never
discussed properly I think.  But please correct me if I'm wrong, I just
grepped the archives for a few keywords and may have missed it.

I would like to have an AR to group multiple discs of a single releases.
This would be intended as a temporary solution until we get proper
release and boxset support with NGS.

Considering this, not all that much time should be wasted on it.

In it's simplest form, I would suggest an AR like this:

album B  "is part of a release with"  album A

This will not work for a few (common) edgecases, e.g. if you have
a release with a number of release events, of which only one came
with a bonus disc.  But then again, this wouldn't be the first AR
which should be at the release event level, not the release level.

Again, I'm keeping it simple because it is supposed to be a 
temporary solution, it should be easy to implement and need not
be perfect -- just useful to a lot of peaple.

You could change the wording a bit and link each disc in the 
appropriate order to determine the sequence.  But even that is
not all that important to me.

-- kuno / warp.

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