Every one should be against Racial Slurs and must condemn them. Individuals 
making Racial Slurs must be punished they should not be let go like Edison 
Police Union who got away after saying, “Indians are cockroaches, animals, 
illiterates and illegal go home from the Compound of Edison Municipal Building 
with the blessings of Mayor Jun Choi and approved by Senator Barbara Buono, 
Assemblymen Upendra Chivukula & Peter Barnes. 
  But we must do some serious thinking on the issue why we have Functional 
illiterates raised by Prof Dowling in our Universities? What are the things we 
are doing wrong at kindergarten, Elementary and High School Level that our 
students are getting behind even the students of 3rd world countries who are 
not spending even 10% of what we are spending on our Students. Why there are 
more administrators and politicians than the Students & Teachers in our Schools 
& Universities?
  In New Jersey we have 651 School Board Superintendents besides 21 County 
Superintendents in 651 School Districts with 2,419 Schools in 566 Towns for 1.4 
Million Students out of which 250,000 can not comprehend in basic education. 
Despite the fact to Educate a student in New Jersey average cost is $19,000.00 
and in failing District it is $28,000.00 which is the highest in the world. , 
We should be ashamed of it. Then the number of school drop outs is over 30% and 
we do not want to acknowledge this problem at all. We do not have any alternate 
High School programs like vocational training especially designed for these 
drop outs. 
  State of Delhi & capital of India for 3,035 state run schools with over 2.2 
million students have only 1 Education Director. Some of the best doctors, 
scientist, engineers, architects, artists, computer professionals, 
educationists and businessmen in New Jersey are from Delhi State School System. 
In New York City for 1.8 million students they have 1 School Superintendent and 
the entire state of Texas has 7 Superintendents.
  When each school has a Principal, Vice Principal and Superintendent. Why we 
need 672 School Board Superintendents and over 5,000 corrupt & racist School 
Board Members elected with little over 10% voter turn out? Each School Board 
Superintendent Office is costing over a million dollars to maintain in direct 
cost besides the millions in retirement cost and millions they steal from the 
helpless rich & poor students every year. 
  In one School district of Bergen County there are 28 Secretaries which is tip 
of the ice berg representing massive corruption, racism and politicization of 
our School System. Same is true for the state Universities also with 
outrageously over paid too many managerial staff members and heads. Then we 
have White Springfield with class size 20-22 and a Lap Top with Broad band 
connection for every student 6th grade onward to carry home and colored 
Irvington with class size 36-38 where Play Grounds have been converted into a 
Parking Lot and students sit on window sills of their class rooms.
  Then we have a morally & ethically bankrupt Governor  & Politicians who have 
been cutting Million of dollars in Education Funding. Given the importance of 
education to every one, these cuts are unthinkable. This is one giant step 
backward for the NJ students. NJ’s future is in its class rooms, but that 
future is being mortgaged off to maintain the lavish life style of few 
Political Appointees in the name of School Board Superintendents & Board 
members, who are not needed in the first place and have nothing to do with 
student education. 
  Every where in the civilized world a School is known by its Principal, 
teachers and physical & art education teachers not by its School Superintendent 
or Board Members or Attorney or Secretaries. This Circus is Legalized 
corruption and found only in New Jersey. All School Boards with well educated 
Scoundrels some with business & management back ground are stealing from their 
own communities. These people who have nothing to do with education without 
application of mind have started calling early childhood education, physical 
education, music, art and craft non mandated programs and have started ZERO 
periods in Schools even in White Springfield, where students are told to do 
nothing. There are so many studies to prove that these are essential programs 
for quality education and over all development of a child as a future leader. 
  We must modernize our School System for one type of Education for all 
students belonging to every ethnic group and color. The first order of business 
should be to prioritize what is important and eliminate what is no longer 
affordable or needed or institutionalizing corruption & racism. There is no 
need for the 651 office of School Superintendent & over 5,000 Board Members. 
They must be eliminated to get rid of institutionalized corruption and racism 
from our education system. 
  There must be accountability for Principals  & Teachers of each school for 
the performance of their students so that we do not have Functional Illiterates 
in our Universities. Residents of New Jersey deserve assurances that it can 
rely on the integrity, morality, honesty and secularism of its appointed and 
elected officials and there are ethical & economic reasons to put them in those 
public offices for a secured future of our generations to come. We must stop 
stealing from our own children in the name of White & Colored Education. 
  Dave Makkar
  Posted on Home News Tribune in response to "Racist" quote roils Rutgers
  "Racist" quote roils Rutgers
  Home News Tribune Online 09/27/07
  RUTGERS — A day after professor William C. Dowling criticized the 
intelligence of the school's student-athletes, including "minorities," Rutgers 
President Richard L. McCormick denounced Dowling's comment for its "racial 
  Dowling, a tenured professor of English who has long been against high-stakes 
athletics at Rutgers and particularly critical of coach Greg Schiano's football 
program, reportedly questioned the types of student-athletes Rutgers recruits. 
  "If you were giving the scholarship to an intellectually brilliant kid who 
happens to play a sport, that's fine," Dowling told the New York Times in 
Wednesday's newspaper. "But they give it to a functional illiterate who can't 
read a cereal box, and then make him spend 50 hours a week on physical skills. 
That's not opportunity. 
  "If you want to give financial help to minorities, go find the ones who are 
at the library after school." 
  While Rutgers Athletics Director Bob Mulcahy called Dowling's quote, "a 
blatantly racist statement," McCormick issued a statement Wednesday that both 
condemned Dowling and praised the athletics program.
  "Professor Dowling's characterization of our student-athletes is inaccurate 
and inhumane," McCormick said. "It also has a racist implication that has no 
place whatsoever in our civil discourse. Rutgers' student-athletes are men and 
women who succeed in balancing the demands of academic progress and athletic 
success. They may not have professor Dowling's respect and support, but they 
have mine." 
  An attempt to reach Dowling at his university office Wednesday was 
  But Richard Seclow, a former spokesperson for Rutgers 1000, the now-defunct 
advocacy group formerly led by Dowling that called for the university to step 
down from big-time athletics, said his longtime colleague is not a racist. 
  "I've known professor Dowling for a long time and in all of the discussion 
I've had with him, I've never found him to be racist," Seclow, a Rutgers 
alumnus, said from his Connecticut home Wednesday night. "I can tell you the 
quote smelled of it, but the man I know is not capable of it." 
  Schiano declined to comment specifically to Dowling's comments but offered a 
rebuttal for his team's academic standing following Wednesday's practice. 
  "Since I got here six years ago, I haven't responded to any of (Dowling's 
comments)," Schiano said. "I'm not going to start now." 
  In the latest Academic Performance Rating released by the NCAA last June, the 
Rutgers football program ranked seventh among 119 Division I-A schools and 
first among state universities overall. 
  The football team's grade-point average is 2.7, according to Rutgers 
Assistant Athletics Director Jason Baum. Asked if he believes his team's 
academic standing is reflective of the university as a whole, Schiano said, 
"Very much so." "The performance of our football team academically is right in 
there with Rutgers' student body, which is one of the highest achieving 
student-body populations in the country," Schiano added. "We take a great deal 
of pride in our academic achievement." 
  Keith Sargeant: 

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