On Mon, Nov 22, 1999 at 04:04:50PM -0600, David DeSimone wrote:
> Sean Rima <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > The problem is the fact that there are a few people on the Mutt list
> > who use PGP2 and PGP5.  These keys are not able to be used in GPG
> > AFAIK.
> >From what I have read, GPG can be configured or built with external
> module support, so that it can read and use these RSA and IDEA based
> message formats.
> However, I haven't really found any good instructions for building such
> a version of GPG.  There are some nice files in the "contrib" directory,
> but I don't know how to put them together to make it work.

Most likely in /usr/lib/gnupg, or perhaps /usr/local/lib/gnupg.

To ~/.gnupg/options, add:
load-extension rsaref
load-extension idea

(or just plain rsa if that's legal where you are -- it's not in the US.)

Brian Moore                       | Of course vi is God's editor.
      Sysadmin, C/Perl Hacker     | If He used Emacs, He'd still be waiting
      Usenet Vandal               |  for it to load on the seventh day.
      Netscum, Bane of Elves.

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