On 2000-03-20 01:27:51 +0000, Thomas Ribbrock wrote:

> I have a slight problem with Muttrc in the 1.1.9. In
> 1.0.1 and before, the Muttrc that got installed was
> automatically changed during install to contain the
> correct path to "manual.txt" according to --prefix.
> This no longer works for 1.1.9. Even after configuring
> with --prefix, the installed Muttrc still contains
> "/usr/local/....." as path to manual.txt NEWS states
> that the mechanism to generate Muttrc has been changed,
> so maybe this was an oversight? Or did I miss
> something?

This was an oversight when changing the Muttrc generation
mechanism.  I've put Muttrc.head under autoconf control now.


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