Hi Emily/all,

I just noticed that the 4 highly enthusiastic emails I sent to this list
didn't make it to your mailboxes, because postfix is sending my email
with the wrong domain name, so the list daemon just blocks my
messages... :-(

Anyway, I would like to know whether it is possible to have mutt display
any new messages that fetchmail retrieved automatically since mutt was
started (e.g., mutt has been running for 15 minutes now, and fetchmail
retrieves any new messages from my ISP every 10 minutes; must I restart

And one last question: when inside of mutt, I compose a message and
press "y" for sending it, the minibuffer reads "mail sent", because the
message has been put on the queue; but is it possible to have the mail
dispatched once put in the queue, i.e., before I exit mutt?

Thank you for any tips and sorry if I am leaving any replies unanswered,
but, as I said, my last emails weren't sent correctly. :-(



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