Richard Spencer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Mon, 22 May 2000:
> Hey, that's EXACTLY what happens to me, and the thing I'm trying to fix.
> How might I go about changing this so that Fetchmail sends my messages
> to somewhere Mutt can find them easily?

Still off-topic, but okay...

fetchmail delivers by default (I think) emails via the local SMTP
daemon.  Usually sendmail unless you've changed it or your system
happens to use something else (Debian).  So, the delivery happens to
wherever your local sendmail puts them.

If you don't like the location where they're going to, you have two
1) investigate the delivery options of sendmail (common thing to do is
to call procmail from .forward and let procmail do the delivery)
2) tell fetchmail not to deliver mails via SMTP but rather use some
program as the delivery agent (eg. procmail again, or some other program
that puts them just into a named folder)

The details on these things are explained in the fetchmail, procmail and
possibly sendmail documentation.

> I preferred it when I had Mutt looking for my mail in 
> /home/$USER/Mail/inbox but Fetchmail seems to want to put some in
> /var/spool/mail/$USER (from one POP3 server) and lose other mail
> (from another server.) Someone told me to ask this Q on a Fetchmail
> list, but it seems relevant here too!

Well, Mutt can (and will) look for messages anywhere you tell it to...
That's not really a problem.  Just set up your $spoolfile appropriately,
or better, set the MAIL environment variable.  Or, if you have more than
one incoming email folder (eg. mail filtering, or more than one account,
each getting delivered to their own folder), then you can list the
folders with the mailboxes command.

Telling Mutt where the incoming mail folder is, is a Mutt-question.
Configuring your system so that incoming mail is placed where you want
is not Mutt-specific (unless you use Mutt's own limited pop functions).

// Mikko Hänninen, aka. Wizzu  //  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  //
// The Corrs list maintainer  //   net.freak  //   DALnet IRC operator /
// Interests: roleplaying, Linux, the Net, fantasy & scifi, the Corrs /
        *** WANRING -- this signature quote is spellt wrong. ***

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