On Tue, Jun 27, 2000 at 06:09:38PM +0000, Nollaig MacKenzie wrote:
> Has this ever been tried for some Cool Software:
> Create two lists:
> And etiquette requires that if you are fairly newbile
> you send your question to CoolSoftwareNewbies and wait
> a reasonable time before construing the absence of
> answer as an indication that you should send it to
> CoolSoftwareUsers?
> Naive, I suppose......

I think this would cause more problems than it solves-- in a way you
are encouraging newbies to ask questions rather than read the docs,
but beyond that-- this assumes that there are people on the newbie
list who know the answers to the questions, but obviously the newbies
don't, that's why they're there.  Who is going to be the
masochist/martyr to subscribe to this list and answer the same stupid
questions all the time?


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