Byrial Jensen proclaimed on mutt-users that:

>On Tue, Jun 27, 2000 at 16:41:12 -0400, David T-G wrote:
>> Yeah.  I've since learned that there isn't any sort of "documentation
>> group" for mutt, so we have nobody to ask.  Time to call for volunteers,
>I don't volunteer to write. It must be a job for native English
>speakers to make English documentation, but the volunteer group
>(if any such are made) are welcome ask me their technical
>questions in order to write correct documentation.

I'm _not_ a native English speaker, but we Indians speaka da eenglish
really well (or at least, well enough for this, I hope) :)

I've started work on one - and Sven Guckes & Robin Socha have been really
helpful on this. 

Keep watching ...

Suresh Ramasubramanian + [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Cleveland?  Yes, I spent a week there one day."

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