Mrinal Kalakrishnan proclaimed on mutt-users that:

>Suresh Ramasubramanian typed:
>> * Using multiple e-mail addresses in Mutt


>> * Managing mailing lists with Mutt

mostly done

>> * Using keybindings to customize mutt

to do

>> * Color setups for folder index, mail header and mail body


>> * managing mails via IMAP
>> * managing mails via POP

imap and pop using mutt's checking features _and_ using fetchmail.  Being
worked on - but I am thinking of how to differentiate betn when to use
mutt's imap features and when to poll mails using fetchmail.

I don't use imap all that often here - so someone who reads imap folders
with mutt extensively could help a bit ...

>> * using digital signatures

Has to be done

>> * setup for your language

I'm digging out stuff re this - Sven pointed me to a couple of good

>>      $Id: mutt/index.html: $Author: Suresh Ramasubramanian - mallet (@)
>>$ $Date: 2000/06/20 19:17:06$ $Revision: 1.00$

>Is this some local CVS? How about putting it on the mutt CVS

I plan to do this - someplace like sourceforge say?

>And one more suggestion - why don't you do it all in the LinuxDoc DTD
>(SGML) instead of using HTML directly? This will make things uniform,
>neat and standardized. (I'm not a fan of DocBook) :-)

I am much better at html than am at SGML :)  I'll convert the lot later I
suppose ...

Suresh Ramasubramanian + [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Boy, n.:
        A noise with dirt on it.

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