Russell Hoover proclaimed on mutt-users that:

> I thought I wanted to see all "X-" headers that came my way, so I set:
> ignore *      # This means "ignore all header lines by default."
> unignore From: Date Subject To Cc Organization Organisation User-Agent \
> X-Mailer X-

> But there are some I don't want to see, such as:
> How can I eliminate a specified few X- headers while maintaining the
> visibility of all others?

Here's part of my .muttrc -

ignore *
unignore From To Cc Subject Date Reply-To Organization X-Mailer

Whichever X-Foo headers you want to see get explicitly unignored.

Suresh Ramasubramanian + [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Parker's Law:
        Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone.

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