Russell Hoover proclaimed on mutt-users that:

> ignore *      # This means "ignore all header lines by default."
> unignore From: Date Subject To Cc Organization Organisation User-Agent \
> X-Mailer X-
> ignore X-Priority X-MSMail-Priority
Hmmm... once you've gone and unignored it, you can hardly ignore it
again ;)

> "X-Priority" and "X-MSMail-Priority" still show.
> Anything identifiable here?
> I also have, in the colors section above this section:
> color header    cyan    black   ^(X-*|User-Agent*)

Try setting color header default default for those two if you are bent
upon coloring them bad ;)

Or just press h to view full headers anytime you want to view all the
sigquotes and such ... (see my headers, for an example)

Suresh Ramasubramanian + [EMAIL PROTECTED]
In Corning, Iowa, it's a misdemeanor for a man to ask his wife to ride
in any motor vehicle.

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