
I've been wondering about this for a long time..

If one uses POP3 to download mail, then filtering can be done with procmail,
and everyone's happy. However I'd like to use IMAP, since I access mail from
various computers.

So the question is, how can one do IMAP-based email filtering? How do most
people do it? Procmail scripts on the server? Courier-specific IMAP filtering

Assuming there is no universal solution, could mutt be made to emulate one,
like netscape mail does? Ie:
 - download all the headers
 - filter based on the header info
 - Issue IMAP "copy" instructions to move the actual messages to the right

Has anyone done this with mutt before?

Perhaps it should be a separate utility, invoked before mutt, that applies a
local set of procmail rules to a remote set of IMAP mailboxes. Does anyone know
of anything like this?



[1] http://search.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-showalter-sieve-12.txt

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