On Mon, Apr 23, 2001 at 10:31:32AM -0500 or thereabouts, Joe Rice wrote:
> I've been working on something to do my IMAP filtering in a pre-mutt
> execution.  I use the perl module Mail::IMAPClient and perl's great
> regex for my filtering.  I've only spent about 30 minutes working
> on it so, it's no where close to what i want but, it will work
> and do exactly what i'm looking to do (filter mail into folders).
> joe

Please upload it somewhere when you're done.  I'm currently using mutt with
imap to an M$ exchange server and cannot modify the filters on the server
itself.  This would be just the solution I need.  Indeed, if you could
include the ability to create new folders on the imap server that would be
even nicer.

Conor Daly 
Met Eireann, Glasnevin Hill, Dublin 9, Ireland
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