Prahlad Vaidyanathan wrote:
> I get quite a few text/html mails from people using OutLook, so I use
> lynx to dump the output to my pager.
> Now, my problem is, when I view these mails, I get some lines at the
> beginning of the mail like so :
> [-- Autoview using lynx -dump .... etc etc --]
> Now, how do I prevent this from showing up ? 

yeah this is a bit annoying.  i also find this bit helpful:
alternative_order text/plain text/enriched text/html

(in your .muttrc).... this will at least use a text version if both are
given (ie it will prefer the plaintext version over the html version).

i also find w3m a tiny bit nicer than lynx... but my favorite method for
dealing with this sort is to (politely or not depending on how well you
know them) ask them _not_ to send html mail in the first place.

this isn't always effective of course (with the brain dead and
unrepentant sorts) but it's worked a time or two (and has the benefit of
saving other people the same agony you are forced to go through).


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