
I've only been using Mutt for awhile and have been on the Mutt mailing list for a 
little while longer.  Figuring out how to get Mutt + Fetchmail to work wasn't too 
hard, once I corrected an error in my firewall config file (This only took me about 
three or so months) and am glad I did.  I'm liking this new mailer much better than 
XFmail which would crash occasionally and do other odd things.

Anyhow, I'm on a couple of mailing lists and am beginning to find that my inbox is 
getting quite full.  What program is the best to use for sorting my incoming messages 
into different folders?  I've heard that Procmail is user-hell, but I know people who 
swear by it. Is there a better program to use, or is Procmail "the" software?

Also, is there a way to retrieve messages from mbox once mutt moves them there?  It 
seems that they are concatated into one large text file.

E-Mail: Steven Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
URL: http://www.jetnet.ab.ca/users/schnes

Version: 3.1
GS d? s: !a? C+ UB+ !L !E W++ N w V- !PS PE Y+ PGP+ R !tv b+ DI++ G-- e++ h-- r+++ y+++

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