Hi Thorsten et al.

* Thorsten Haude ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Procmail is indeed a close relative to Sendmail, it's rc file syntax
> is bloody. I propose Mail::Audit if you know Perl, Maildrop otherwise.

I did some reading-up on Mail::Audit, and it seems real nice. However, I
have some questions: There's nothing that would stop me from piping some
"stuff" to formail from Mail::Audit, is there (e.g. correcting headers,
look for falsified header fields etc.)?

I also notice Mail::Audit has been tested on qmail and postfix; sendmail
ought to work though, right?

And for something completely different: is this the way things are done
in this list (changing the Subject: and replying to the list), or should
I have sent this to Thorsten personally?

have a nice one.
Karlsson        <martin.karlsson AT visit.se>

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