On Fri, Dec 07, 2001 at 03:36:45PM -0600, Matthew D. Fuller wrote:
> deliver the message to the tty.  Turn off comsat, and you'll still
> (probably) get packets sent to it by the MTA.  Turn off biff/comsat
> notification in the MTA (or maybe the MDA, not entirely sure), and you'll
> stop getting the packets and all the rest.

The way to stop notifying comsat is this:
(By the procmailrc manual)

Environment Var. COMSAT need to be set "no"

This way, procmail won't call comsat/biff.

It's what the man says :)

Cleber S. Mori
Monitor Lab Linux
HPage:          http://grad.icmc.sc.usp.br/~cleber/
E-mail:         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ICQ/UIN:        1409389

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