At 04:50 AM 1/21/02 -0600, Matthew D. Fuller wrote:
>Personally, I use maildir for all my 'active' mailboxes (read: the ones
>that mail gets delivered to and I read) because it's that much safer,
>easier and more efficient to alter, and roughly similar in speed to open.
>I use mbox for my archive mailboxes, because it's simpler and more compact
>(I don't need to blow a few million inodes on mail archives, thank you
>very much), and it's faster on the mailboxes with tens or hundreds of
>thousands of messages.

I am in the process of converting to using mutt, so I've been playing
a bit.  And it appears that the archive mailboxes *have* to be mboxes.
If I try to save a message to an existing maildir folder, mutt objects.

>And, having spent rather some time lately writing code to parse mbox's,
>I'd like to make the following general comment:



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