> The people you are likely to coorespond with that wouldn't be able to take
> advantage of it would also likely not need to, either because they didn't
> know enough to care. [...] Thus you could continue to communicate with all
> people the way you want, without imposing unneccessary expectations on any
> of them.

Below, i use the term "good mailer" to mean one which would support a mutt
S/MIME compression extension.

I correspond with many people who do not use a good mailer and will never be
convinced to use one. These people are in the majority on most mailing
lists[1]. Many of them care about email security. I believe that at some point
in the not-distant future, they will start using standard S/MIME[2]. If i used
the compresion extension when i posted to lists, the majority of readers
would not be able to verify my messages or securely reply to me.

[1] except on mutt-dev and mutt-users, which is why i now use PGP there
[2] I guess this is where we disagree - you seem to think that there is
    little overlap between "the set of people who care about email security"
    and "the set of people who good mailers" .. i think there is a lot.

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