> On Sat, Aug 31, 2002 at 11:04:21AM -0500, Aaron Goldblatt wrote:

> > an fyi so yall know it's happening, my email address used exclusively 
> > for mutt-users and mutt-dev has been harvested for spam.  i believe i 
> > posted to mutt-users exactly once, and never to mutt-dev.

> Unfortunately even if this list weren't archived with our email-addresses
> intact the list could still be mined for addresses by someone who just 
> signed up to the list and listened.
> Unless the spammer was a total idiot there would be no way to tell them 
> apart anybody else on the list who is just a listener.

Yes, but it's much less likely to happen... a spammer would have to go
to a lot of effort (comparatively) to sign up for a list like this...
and spamming a list of largely technical people would be dumb anyway.

It's much more likely for addresses to get harvested from a list
archive, since a crawler will find them.

Will Yardley
input: william < @ hq . newdream . net . >

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