On Wed, 18 May 2011, Ђорђе Тодоровић wrote:

On Wed, 18 May 2011, Richard wrote:

On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 01:43:05PM +0200, Ђорђе Тодоровић wrote:

Is it possible to have my imap_pass set dynamicaly to be an output of some CLI 
management program (like pwsafe)? Exaple:

imap_pass = "echo -n $(pwsafe -p ACCOUNT_NAME -e -q | tail -n 1) |"

does that work?

imap_pass = `echo -n $(pwsafe -p ACCOUNT_NAME -e -q | tail -n 1) `

That works fine, thank you. Also I found this link:

I just noticed that this example doesn't work with passwords that contain
certain special characters (#"'). Anyone know how to sanitize input so mutt can
read passwords from stdin?

If a password contains "#", mutt reads an empty string.
If a password contains quotes, imap_pass gets a password + entire muttrc file
below a "set imap_pass..." field.

 . O . | Djordje Todorovic [aceofknaves at G_M_A_I_L .com] | O . O
 . . O | GPG-Key: 2048R/1E133339      (http://pgp.mit.edu) | . O O
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