
I use GnuPG to encrypt/decrypt my passwords for mutt.  For each imap account, I
create a little text file that contains the appropriate password, and encrypt
that file using my public key.  Then I use command substitution to set imap_pass
in muttrc.  For example,

  set my_imap_un=hesla
  set my_imap_pw=`gpg2 -d --batch  ~/.mutt/.imap_pw.gpg`

  account-hook imap://my.imap.server:143 set imap_user=$my_imap_un
  account-hook imap://my.imap.server:143 set imap_pass=$my_imap_pw

(You do need the "--batch", to prevent the passphrase prompt.)

If the password contains a special character, just backslash escape it, then
enclose the whole password in single quotes.  For example, if your password


then the text file (before encryption) should contain the single line


(including the single quotes).  This works fine with my setup.

BTW, I use gpg-agent to avoid having to key in my passphrase multiple times per


Todd Hesla

On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 07:24:49PM +0200, Ђорђе Тодоровић wrote:

> Date: Wed, 18 May 2011 19:24:49 +0200
> To: Richard <>,
> From: Ђорђе Тодоровић <>
> Subject: Re: imap_pass password management
> On Wed, 18 May 2011, Ђорђе Тодоровић wrote:
> >On Wed, 18 May 2011, Richard wrote:
> >
> >>On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 01:43:05PM +0200, Ђорђе Тодоровић wrote:
> >>
> >>>Is it possible to have my imap_pass set dynamicaly to be an output of some 
> >>>CLI password
> >>>management program (like pwsafe)? Exaple:
> >>>
> >>>imap_pass = "echo -n $(pwsafe -p ACCOUNT_NAME -e -q | tail -n 1) |"
> >>
> >>does that work?
> >>
> >>imap_pass = `echo -n $(pwsafe -p ACCOUNT_NAME -e -q | tail -n 1) `
> >>
> >
> >That works fine, thank you. Also I found this link:
> >
> >
> I just noticed that this example doesn't work with passwords that contain
> certain special characters (#"'). Anyone know how to sanitize input so mutt 
> can
> read passwords from stdin?
> If a password contains "#", mutt reads an empty string.
> If a password contains quotes, imap_pass gets a password + entire muttrc file
> below a "set imap_pass..." field.
> -- 
>  . O . | Djordje Todorovic [aceofknaves at G_M_A_I_L .com] | O . O
>  . . O | GPG-Key: 2048R/1E133339      ( | . O O
>  O O O | BFF2 1C7F A70D ECCD FA8F C946 DB32 B498 1E13 3339 | . O .

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