* Ђорђе Тодоровић <postmanmi...@gmail.com> [18.05.2011. @13:43:05 +0200]:

> I'm using mutt + offlineimap + msmtp to work with my 10+ IMAP accounts. The 
> problem is
> that each account has it's own imap_pass and smtp_pass stored in plaintext 
> somewhere im
> muttrc, .msmtprc and .offlineimaprc. That makes password management very 
> hard, because
> every time I change my passwords I have to update at least 3 config files per 
> account.
> Also, I find it a bad practice to have my passwords stored in plaintext on my 
> hard drive.
> Is it possible to have my imap_pass set dynamicaly to be an output of some 
> CLI password
> management program (like pwsafe)? Exaple:
> imap_pass = "echo -n $(pwsafe -p ACCOUNT_NAME -e -q | tail -n 1) |"
> -- 
>   . O . | Djordje Todorovic [aceofknaves at G_M_A_I_L .com] | O . O
>   . . O | GPG-Key: 2048R/1E133339      (http://pgp.mit.edu) | . O O
>   O O O | BFF2 1C7F A70D ECCD FA8F C946 DB32 B498 1E13 3339 | . O .


To avoid to have a clear text password in my .muttrc, I set my imap_pass
as following:
set imap_pass=`gpg --decrypt ~/.mutt/password`

(and ~/.mutt/password contains my password encrypted with my key)
When I start Mutt, it asks my key passphrase.


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