On Sun, May 13, 2012 at 11:37:50AM +1000, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> On 12May2012 19:34, Jim Graham <spooky1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Macs ship with postfix, far easier to configure than sendmail.


Postfix and I don't get along.  I tried just configuring it to handle
internal e-mail (e.g., from calendar to me, etc.), and I eventually
went back and put sendmail back in place.  Now, OS X probably has a
simple interface that'll make it easy, but when I tried, it was
anything but.  But then, back before cancer #1 and the damage it did
to my brain and memories, I was more comfortable in sendmail.cf than
anything else.  I still am, but not by nearly as much.

> Look at /etc/postfix/main.cf; lots of comments etc. You're mostly
> interested in $myorigin and $relayhost.

I've got Mutt (here on my FreeBSD system) configured to connect
directly to gmail's SMTP server and send e-mail.  I'll be keeping
that configuration.  After that, fetchmail (run by cron every two
minutes) gets incoming e-mail and hands it off to procmail.

The sendmail/postfix configuration will almost certainly be, as it is
today, for internal e-mail.

> "postconf" recites the active settings; "postfix check" does a sanity
> check. "postfix reload" to reconsult main.cf. "mailq" as usual to
> consult the outbound mail queue. "postfix flush" to flush the queue
> after a config change.

I'll definitely keep these bits for reference next month.  Thanks.

As far as mailq, I see Mutt connecting, authenticating, and sending
e-mail as soon as I send it.  There is, essentially, no mail queue.

But all of these things aren't so complicated.  The reason for my
original post in this thread was to see if anything in OS X might
interfere with using Mutt.  I didn't expect that there would be,
but I'd hate to try to pull up an xterm and find it missing.  :-)
(I'm still a command-line guy...reason for running X?  Multiple
x-terms, multiple desktops,  xbiff, and my freeware Tcl/Tk hurricane
tracking program, JStrack[1]).


[1] http://www.jstrack.org/jstrack/  (And then there's the weather
    monitoring program I wrote in Tcl/Tk, too---it warns me when
    certain watches/warnings are posted by NWS, but you won't
    find that anywhere but on my system ... same for the digital
    clock I wrote, also Tcl/Tk.)

73 DE N5IAL (/4)            MiSTie #49997      < Running FreeBSD 7.0 >
spooky1...@gmail.com                    ICBM/Hurr.: 30.44406N 86.59909W

          "The iPad is a status symbol for yuppies. The Android
         is for people who actually want something that works."

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