On 2012-11-24, Derek Martin <inva...@pizzashack.org> wrote:
>> The number of consecutive newlines distinguishes the two.  Two
>> newlines marks the end of a paragraph, and one newline marks the end
>> of monospaced text.
> Only if the user writes them that way.  I receive a lot of flowed
> e-mail at work from certain people, and most of them do not insert
> the extra line feed.  And what if your formatted text (say, code)
> has extra linefeeds?
> It's not enough dude.  Nice try though.

Again, this is another straw man.  What I am suggesting is not the
format=flowed standard.  It's a hypothetical hybrid.

Saying that people will violate a standard of any kind isn't good
enough because any standard can be abused.  Nice try though!

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