On 2012-11-24, Patrick Shanahan <ptilopt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> * Tony's unattended mail <tony.parker-9o8uv...@cool.fr.nf> [11-24-12 15:58]:
>> Again, this is another straw man.  What I am suggesting is not the
>> format=flowed standard.  It's a hypothetical hybrid.
>> Saying that people will violate a standard of any kind isn't good
>> enough because any standard can be abused.  Nice try though!
> *any* standard "will" be abused! 

My point exactly.  Thus, condemning a standard on this basis means you
must condemn all standards, which is effectively calls for even less
quality of service.

> Saying that it can be abused assures that it *will* be abused.

This contradicts what you just claimed.  If the standard already will
be abused by the mere existence of a standard, then there's no point
in what you're claiming here.

BTW, it's nonsense to claim abuse will ensue as a result of saying
abuse is possible.  The contrary may be true, however.  Claiming that
something *cannot* be abused would be a challenge.. an open
inventation for someone to prove otherwise.

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