On Sat, Dec 22, 2012 at 01:47:24PM +0000, Chris Green wrote:
> I have added:-
>     bind    index   n next-unread-mailbox
> ... and now I can find new mail in all my (mbox) mailboxes without any
> stupid requirements for setting access times or whatever to the files.
> I always thought it should be simple and it is!

Thanks for the heads up, it is handy to know.

> Why isn't this the default set-up for mutt?

Don't know. It could be the way people handle mail, e.g. Do you leave
all your snail mail in your letter box and just read the interesting
letters or do you bring in all your mail at once and deal with it in one
sitting, or do you ...

Can you see where I'm coming from?  mutt tends to be very conservative
with its defaults and has settings which seem most natural to the
majority of users, after all, it is fairly useless without some

> It is somewhat slower than 'c' but not really significantly so where
> all my mail is in local mbox files.

If it is slower, then that might be a good reason why it is not the
default. In all honestly though, I think people may complain if it was
made the default, simply because the majority of people are only
interested in reading new mail. They are probably aware they have old
unread mail lying around but don't want to be consistently reminded all
the time. 

"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing." --- Malcolm X

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