On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 01:05:27AM +1100, Erik Christiansen wrote:
> On 20.03.13 13:14, Chris Green wrote:
> > What is supposed to happen in the following scenario:-
> > 
> >     I'm viewing my incoming mail (inbox), looking at the index view in mutt.
> > 
> >     Some new mail arrives, delivered by procmail/python script/whatever
> >     to the inbox.
> > 
> > Is there supposed to be some mechanism whereby mutt recognises that all
> > that has happened is that new mail has been appended to the mbox?
> The manual has a brief description, in section: "10. New Mail Detection"
> (If mutt is well set up, that's on <F1>, but I figure you know that.)
Yes, but it doesn't tell me what provokes the "Mailbox was externally
modified" message.

> > At present I *always* get the "Mailbox was externally modified.  Flags
> > may be wrong." message.
> That happens here, if I have two mutts open concurrently. My guess is
> that your python isn't satisfying mutt's access/modification time
> requirements.
It's satisfying them in that mutt recognises new mail arriving in all my
(separate) mailboxes, that's working perfectly.  It's just that if I
happen to be *reading* the mbox where the new mail arrives I get the
error message.

I'm sure this didn't used to happen and I've not changed the delivery
mechanism to my knowledge.

What I want to know is:-

    Is it possible for a message to be delivered into an mbox that mutt
    is looking at without provoking the ""Mailbox was externally
    modified" message?

    If the above is possible then what does the delivering MTA have to
    do so that the delivered message is 'N' and all others are left

Chris Green

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