On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 23:17:56 +0100, Mick wrote:
> ## usern...@account1.com
> source "~/.mutt/account1/.muttrc"
> folder-hook $folder '~/.mutt/account1/.muttrc'
> ## usern...@gmail.com
> source "~/.mutt/gmail/.muttrc"
> folder-hook $folder '~/.mutt/gmail/.muttrc'

This doesn't answer your main question about loading speed, but on the
topic of the
   /home/username/.mutt/gmail/.muttrc: unknown command
error message you reported:

The second argument to the "folder-hook" command is itself a full Mutt
command, so I think in both those cases you need to include the word

  folder-hook $folder 'source ~/.mutt/gmail/.muttrc' 

Also, note that with this setup, you are actually running both
~/.mutt/account1/.muttrc and  ~/.mutt/gmail/.muttrc when you first start
up Mutt, followed but one or the other again as you open a particular
folder.  This could certainly work fine, but a "cleaner" way would be to
avoid sourcing the scripts directly from ~/.muttrc, but instead only
call them from the folder hooks.

Finally, since those two scripts are configuring account-wide settings,
I wonder if it would make sense to use "account-hook" instead of


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