On Thu, Sep 05, 2013 at 06:45:46PM +1200, Chris Bannister wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 04, 2013 at 05:30:16PM +0100, Óscar Pereira wrote:

> > The subject seems pretty self-explanatory. Use case, you're writing an
> > email, which is already marked as to be sent encrypted, but you have to
> > postpone it. In the meantime offlineimap runs and syncs you mailboxes, and
> > thus your mail which is to be sent encrypted ends up in (say) Gmail's
> > remote folder -- UNencrypted.
> This seems like an offlineimap issue, rather than anything to do with mutt.

indeed - I had similar problems and changed my setup in a way that offlineimap
is started only on demand. Currently, that means:

1. if idlemail.py [1] detects new mail in incoming folders
2. after I quit mutt

I want to experiment with fsniper [2] in order to start offlineimap
automatically when a maildir is changed locally but also without this, these
two triggers are fine.

Also you could start it by macro the maildir sync key to a macro which syncs
and then starts offlineimap.

Best regards


  1. http://www.cc.gatech.edu/~sburnett/posts/2010-11-21-imap-idle.html
  2. https://github.com/l3ib/fsniper
WebID: http://sebastian.tramp.name

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