Part 2 of 2, continuing where I reached in the Part 1.

I would like to post my current maildrop configuration that consists of the 
main .mailfilter with includes.
So even if it doesn't, strictly speaking, belong here, I'll post it here, else 
I won't post it at all.

# ~/.mailfilter
# based on:
# and heavily reworked


logfile "$HOME/.mailfilter.log"


MBOX=($TYPE =~ /mbox/)
MAILDIR=($TYPE =~ /maildir/)

# use mbox by default

if ( $MAILDIR )
 if ( $DEFAULT )
    if ( $RETURNCODE == 0 )
        # notify the user when new folders are created
        NEWFOLDERMSG="${FOLDERS} folder created"

# filter out duplicate messages
`${REFORMAIL} -D 8192 $HOME/.duplicate.cache`
if ( $RETURNCODE == 0 )
    log "File: (duplicate)     ($SIZE)\n"

if ( /^(To|Cc|Envelope-To|Delivered-To):.*(miro\.rovis@croatiafidelis\.hr)/ ) 
    MYFOLDER=`echo $MYFOLDERDOT|sed 's/\.//g'`
include .maildirmake.incL1

# handle mailing list messages automatically
if ( /^List-Id:.*<([0-9A-Za-z_\.\-]+)/ )
    LISTNAME=`echo $LISTNAMEDOT|sed 's/\.//g'`
include .maildirmake.incL2
    to ${FOLDERS}$MYFOLDER.$F2MKlevel2
if ( /^(To|Cc):.*postfix-users@postfix\.org/ )
    LISTNAME=`echo $LISTNAMEDOT|sed 's/\.//g'`
include .maildirmake.incL2
    to ${FOLDERS}$MYFOLDER.$F2MKlevel2
if ( /^(To|From):.*support@plus\.hr/ )
    LISTNAME=`echo $LISTNAMEDOT|sed 's/\.//g'`
include .maildirmake.incL2
   to ${FOLDERS}$MYFOLDER.$F2MKlevel2
if ( /^(To|From):.* )
    LISTNAME=`echo $LISTNAMEDOT|sed 's/\.//g'`
include .maildirmake.incL2
    to ${FOLDERS}$MYFOLDER.$F2MKlevel2
    to ${FOLDERS}$F2MKlevel1

if ( /^(To|Cc|Envelope-To|Delivered-To):.*(m.rovis@inet\.hr)/ )
    MYFOLDER=`echo $MYFOLDERDOT|sed 's/\.//g'`
include .maildirmake.incL1

 if (/^Return-Path:.*@(facebookmail\.com)/)
    MY2FOLDER=`echo $MY2FOLDERDOT|sed 's/\.//g'`
include .maildirmake.incL2

# handle Facebook groups/lists messages automatically
if ( /^List-Id:.*<([0-9A-Za-z_\-]+)\.+/ )
include .maildirmake.incL3
    to ${FOLDERS}${MYFOLDER}.${MY2FOLDER}.$F2MKlevel3
  to ${FOLDERS}${MYFOLDER}.$F2MKlevel2

 if ( /^(To|From):.*(childrenofmedugorje@gmail\.com)/ )
    MY2FOLDER=`echo $MY2FOLDERDOT|sed 's/\.//g'`
include .maildirmake.incL2
  to ${FOLDERS}${MYFOLDER}.$F2MKlevel2
 if ( /^(To|From):.*( )
    MY2FOLDER=`echo $MY2FOLDERDOT|sed 's/\.//g'`
include .maildirmake.incL2
  to ${FOLDERS}${MYFOLDER}.$F2MKlevel2
 if ( /^(To|From):.*( )
    MY2FOLDER=`echo $MY2FOLDERDOT|sed 's/\.//g'`
include .maildirmake.incL2
  to ${FOLDERS}${MYFOLDER}.$F2MKlevel2
if ( /^From:\s*EWTN\s*<(>/ )
    MY2FOLDER=`echo $MY2FOLDERDOT|sed 's/\.//g'`
include .maildirmake.incL2
  to ${FOLDERS}${MYFOLDER}.$F2MKlevel2

# handle mailing list messages automatically
if ( /^List-Id:.*<([0-9A-Za-z_\.\-]+)/ )
    LISTNAME=`echo $LISTNAMEDOT|sed 's/\.//g'`
include .maildirmake.incL2
  to ${FOLDERS}${MYFOLDER}.$F2MKlevel2
    to ${FOLDERS}$F2MKlevel1

The include file .maildirmake.incL1 (in the same directory):
if ( $MAILDIR )

  if ( $F2MKlevel1 )
        `${MAILDIRMAKE} -f "$F2MKlevel1" "$DEFAULT"`
        if ( $RETURNCODE == 0 )
            # notify the user when new folders are created
            NEWFOLDERMSG="${FOLDERS}$F2MKlevel1 list folder created"

The include file .maildirmake.incL2 (in the same directory):
if ( $MAILDIR )

  if ( F2MKlevel2 )
        `${MAILDIRMAKE} -f "${MYFOLDER}.${F2MKlevel2}" "$DEFAULT"`
        if ( $RETURNCODE == 0 )
            # notify the user when new folders are created
            NEWFOLDERMSG="${FOLDERS}${MYFOLDER}.${F2MKlevel2} list folder 

The include file .maildirmake.incL3 (in the same directory):
if ( $MAILDIR )

  if ( $F2MKlevel3 )
        `${MAILDIRMAKE} -f "${MYFOLDER}.$MY2FOLDER.$F2MKlevel3" "$DEFAULT"`
        if ( $RETURNCODE == 0 )
            # notify the user when new folders are created
            NEWFOLDERMSG="${FOLDERS}${MYFOLDER}.$MY2FOLDER.$F2MKlevel3 list 
folder created"

Why I named those variables MYFOLDER, MY2FOLDER, F2MKlevel1, F2MKlevel2, 
MYFOLDER is just underneath Maildir. MY2FOLDER is one more level underneath, 
and F2MK is for Folder to (2 means 'to' here) MaKe.
Aweful lot of benign errors thown out as maildrop churns the mails given it by 
I tried, wrapping the maildirmakes in conditional clause like this:
    if ( ! `${DEFAULT}.${MYFOLDER}.$MY2FOLDER.$F2MKlevel3` )
but it didn't help.
There is lots of output of "File exists" and "No such file or directory" 
errors... But its' benign errors.

I don't know if I missed something. Oh yes I did, but can I expand the issue 
now here? I'm tired, but if I don't do it now, it'll be even harder later... 

It's the issues with namespace/imaps, the interaction of Mutt and Dovecot.
I already posted my dovecot configuration, it is still as there. It might be:

or around there (remember that I'm, as usual, and for the reasons explained 
already, preparing this text offline).

This is the only way how I can get into, say:


I mean there is just no way to get it other than via file browsing, there is no
way to find it, to open it and view it browsing the Dovecot server provided
imaps://me@myboxA/this/or/that ...

If I start here, which I already posted on the Dovecot mailing list (the link 

y:Exit  c:Chdir  m:Mask  ?:Help
 1     IMAP +                                INBOX/
 2     IMAP +                                mirorovis@croatiafidelishr/
 3     IMAP +                                mirovis@inethr/
 4     IMAP +                                mrovis@inethr/
 /\        /\        /\        /\        /\        /\        /\        /
/  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      / 
    \  /      \  /      \  /      \  /      \  /      \  /      \  /    
     \/        \/        \/        \/        \/        \/        \/     

-- Mutt: Directory [imaps://me@mybox2/], File mask: !^\.[^.]

and if I simply hit enter on line:

2     IMAP +                                mirorovis@croatiafidelishr/

what opens is:

y:Exit  c:Chdir  m:Mask  ?:Help
 1     IMAP                                  ../
 2     IMAP                                  dovecotdovecotorg
 3     IMAP                                  @muttorg
 4     IMAP                                  postfix-users@postfixorg
 5     IMAP                                  support@plushr

 /\        /\        /\        /\        /\        /\        /\        /
/  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      / 
    \  /      \  /      \  /      \  /      \  /      \  /      \  /    
     \/        \/        \/        \/        \/        \/        \/     

-- Mutt: Directory [=mirorovis@croatiafidelishr/], File mask: !^\.[^.]

but there is no way in the imaps:// browser to view the main folder 
=mirorovis@croatiafidelishr/, I can only vew just those subfolders...

So I have to type c, then ?, and wipe with backspace firmly pressed for a while 
the entire:
Chdir to: imaps://me@myboxX/mirorovis@croatiafidelishr/
that has opened all the way to the (and including) the initial i of imaps, and 
type instead:
Chdir to: /home/mr/Maildir/.mirorovis@croatiafidelishr/
(helped myself in completing these with tabs, sure), then Enter, and I have:

y:Exit  c:Chdir  m:Mask  ?:Help
 1     drwx------ 68 mr       mr           4.0K Oct 14 12:03 ../
 2     drwx------  2 mr       mr           4.0K Oct 14 11:58 cur/
 3     -rw-------  1 mr       mr             0K Oct 14 11:58 maildirfolder
 4     drwx------  2 mr       mr           4.0K Oct 14 11:58 new/
 5     drwx------  2 mr       mr           4.0K Oct 14 11:58 tmp/

 /\        /\        /\        /\        /\        /\        /\        /
/  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      / 
    \  /      \  /      \  /      \  /      \  /      \  /      \  /    
     \/        \/        \/        \/        \/        \/        \/     

-- Mutt: Directory [~/Maildir/.mirorovis@croatiafidelishr], File mask: !^\.[^.]

and here I type Enter on cur/

and what opens is:

y:Exit  c:Chdir  m:Mask  ?:Help
 1     drwx------  5 mr       mr           4.0K Oct 14 11:58 ../
 2     -rw-------  1 mr       mail         2.9K Oct 14 11:58 
 3     -rw-------  1 mr       mail         2.8K Oct 14 11:58 
 4     -rw-------  1 mr       mail         3.3K Oct 14 11:58 
 5     -rw-------  1 mr       mail         4.9K Oct 14 11:58 
 6     -rw-------  1 mr       mail         3.4K Oct 14 11:58 
 7     -rw-------  1 mr       mail         3.3K Oct 14 11:58 
 8     -rw-------  1 mr       mail         3.1K Oct 14 11:58 
 9     -rw-------  1 mr       mail         2.4K Oct 14 11:58 
10     -rw-------  1 mr       mail         3.3K Oct 14 11:58 
11     -rw-------  1 mr       mail         6.6K Oct 14 11:58 
12     -rw-------  1 mr       mail          10K Oct 14 11:58 
13     -rw-------  1 mr       mail         6.8K Oct 14 11:58 
14     -rw-------  1 mr       mail         5.3K Oct 14 11:58 
15     -rw-------  1 mr       mail         1.9K Oct 14 11:58 
16     -rw-------  1 mr       mail         9.7K Oct 14 11:58 
17     -rw-------  1 mr       mail         2.3K Oct 14 11:58 
18     -rw-------  1 mr       mail         2.3K Oct 14 11:58 
19     -rw-------  1 mr       mail         2.3K Oct 14 11:58 
20     -rw-------  1 mr       mail         2.3K Oct 14 11:58 

 /\        /\        /\        /\        /\        /\        /\        /
     \/        \/        \/        \/        \/        \/        \/     

-- Mutt: Directory [~/Maildir/.mirorovis@croatiafidelishr/cur], File mask: 

and the right choice to Enter on here is the first line:

 1     drwx------  5 mr       mr           4.0K Oct 14 11:58 ../

So I hit Enter on it. And there now I have what I couldn't get, yet, with the 
aid of Dovecot's imaps://

y:Exit  c:Chdir  m:Mask  ?:Help
 1     drwx------  5 mr       mr           4.0K Oct 14 11:58 ../

q:Quit  d:Del  u:Undel  s:Save  m:Mail  r:Reply  g:Group  ?:Help
   1 N F Dec 29 To miro.rovis@c (3.8K) Fwd: moja cenzurirana poruka
   2 N + Sep 20 Mail Delivery S (1.3K) Mail delivery failed: returning message 
to sender
   3 N F Sep 26 To miro.rovis@c (1.5K) Test, fwd: [ 
   4 N F Sep 26 To miro.rovis@c (2.1K) More testing, fwd: 
[ Welc
   5 N F Sep 27 To miro.rovis@c (2.1K) Test 130927_21, fwd: 
[ We
   6 N + Sep 27 Majordomo@cloud (1.1K) Majordomo results: (no subject)
   7 N + Sep 27 Majordomo@cloud (0.8K) Confirmation for subscribe postfix-users
   8 N + Sep 27 Majordomo@cloud (0.1K) Majordomo results: Re: Confirmation for 
subscribe p
   9 N + Sep 27 Majordomo@cloud (1.0K) Welcome to postfix-users
  10 N + Oct 02 getmail-help@li (3.7K) confirm subscribe to
  11 N + Oct 02 getmail-help@li (7.7K) WELCOME to
  12 N   Oct 02 Tim Legg        (2.8K) Does my configuration reflect the 
current best prac
  13 N   Oct 02 Tim Legg        (1.3K) └*>
  14 N F Oct 13 To miro.rovis@c (0.4K) test
  15 N T Oct 14 John Niendorf   (7.0K) Re: Namespace with/without on dovecot 
server on/off
  16 N + Oct 14 Mail Delivery S (1.4K) Mail delivery failed: returning message 
to sender
  17 N + Oct 14 Mail Delivery S (1.4K) Mail delivery failed: returning message 
to sender
  18 N + Oct 14 Mail Delivery S (1.4K) Mail delivery failed: returning message 
to sender
  19 N + Oct 14 Mail Delivery S (1.4K) Mail delivery failed: returning message 
to sender

 /\        /\        /\        /\        /\        /\        /\        /
/  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      /  \      / 
    \  /      \  /      \  /      \  /      \  /      \  /      \  /    
     \/        \/        \/        \/        \/        \/        \/     

---Mutt: ~/Maildir/.mirorovis@croatiafidelishr [Msgs:19 New:19 

More work for me, because as can be seen the maildrop .mailfilter or the 
includes must have some errors since the

  15 N T Oct 14 John Niendorf   (7.0K) Re: Namespace with/without on dovecot 
server on/off

should have come up in the @muttorg folder above... 

Another note upon proofreading:

The error is the missing Cc. Instead of:
if ( /^(To|From):.* )
there needs to be:
if ( /^(To|From|Cc):.* )


But I leave this in case some newbie mistakes me for expert which I am 
certainly not, so that they have this as warning to beware of other possible 
mistakes of mine...
Just as the "Mail delivery failed..." lines are there due to my mistakes...

So my question is how do I solve this, how do I get all that is in my folders 
through imaps:// ?

Besides the question of what to change to get John Niendorf's mail in proper 
place [[ note: which has been solved ]]... Aargh.. I know, it's because he 
addressed it to me, not only to the list!... No big deal, but it's not urgent 

That was one issue, and there is the other issue, and it is with folders when 
browsed with imaps:// often being readonly and showing this error on the 
command line in bottom:

Mailbox is read-only

What did I configure wrong, or what am I missing? Is is the Dovecot's fault, 
the read-only thing?

I'm now really tired. I'll try and proofread the entire text (note: I just 
did), but if I miss something (note: I sure did, but I must be forgiven because 
I just died in the process ;-), pls. look up the follow-ups to this mail, 
because I am exhausted and can't wait to see the end of this message.

Miroslav Rovis,
Zagreb, Croatia

[[ The note concerning the last correction. This mail wasn't sent a few hours 
ago upon the first attempt.
It seems to me now that this line in the /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf, which was:
caused my local mail to be sent to there, which cause the server, the mail hub 
to not accept any further mail, and there were many, because every time the 
maildirmake creates a dir it sends a notification.
So I hope this messaga will now be sent, with that line being:
Because this sSMTP is a real stripdown program, really no local mail handling 
whatsoever. Anything that gets to it will be sent the same way...

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