On 12Apr2019 14:20, derek martin <inva...@pizzashack.org> wrote:
And by the way, it may also be possible to do something similar with a
mailman mailing list, or other similar thing... But I've never managed
a mailman instance, so I don't know how it works.  I suggested
majordomo specifically because (assuming my my memory has not failed)
I'm pretty sure it's very simple to replace the list subscribers by
just overwriting the file that contains them, which seemed to match up
pretty well with the method of getting the recipients...

Well, on the matter of updating the list: you do recall that mutt _also_ has a "list of addresses in a file" feature, called an alias?

A very short shell script like:

   echo 'alias the_list \'
   sed 's/.*/  &, \\/' < text-file-of-addresses-one-per-line.txt
 ) > mutt-alias.txt
 mutt -F mutt-alias.txt -s 'subject' the_list < message-body.txt

avoids an inifinity of mailing list software installation/integration work.

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>

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