Regarding the following, written by "Kevin J. McCarthy" on 2019-11-01 at 14:45 
Uhr +0800:
I've merged the branch into master. For those who want to give it a try, please see the documentation under "MIME Multipart/Alternative" <>.

I've sent over 100 emails using this, and it's been working spotlessly.

If you want to quickly try it out, here's a [little script][1] I hacked up, which uses pandoc to create a `text/html` alternative by parsing your message as if it were Markdown.


Feedback welcome!

@martinkrafft |
"the word yellow wandered through his mind in search of something to
 connect with."
                                 -- hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy

Attachment: digital_signature_gpg.asc
Description: Digital GPG signature (see

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