I don't know if anyone else has seen this problem but was hoping that
someone has and thus has a ready made fix.

I'm on a couple of mailing lists that have recently moved from Yahoo
Groups to groups.io.  For DMARC (so they claim) groups.io change the
senders E-mail address as follows:-

    Sender Name <sender.n...@btinternet.com>


    "Sender Name via groups.io" <sender.name=btinternet....@groups.io>

So a R[eply] to sender doesn't work because the address is simply
wrong, I get an error back from groups.io when I use R[eply].

Is there a (fairly) simple send_hook (or something else) that I can
use to mend the address?  Surely this isn't a new problem so I am
hoping someone else here may have got an answer already! :-)

Chris Green

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