* Jean Louis <bugs@gnu.support> [2021-09-10 09:56]:
> > I can open the html in an external browser and there I find the
> > link, but I would like an in-mutt solution (I don't really like
> > going to the browser to read my email if I can help it). This is
> > becoming quite a big concern for me.

My solution is not really what you want like to open links in mutt
directly but solution with `elinks' does stay in the console mode
until you wish to open the link in external graphical browser.

Another solution inside of virtual terminal is from:

Open URL

Best feature ever. I waited for years for this one. There is a new
event called exec-formatted which allows you to execute arbitrary
commands. If you make a PRIMARY selection before that, you can open
URLs in browser easily. Do this:

XTerm*translations: #override Shift <Btn1Up>: exec-formatted("xdg-open '%t'", 
PRIMARY)  select-start() select-end()

in ~/.Xdefaults

and the XTerm solution may not be so functional.

Also to mention is `urlscan':

Description     : Mutt and terminal url selector
URL             : https://github.com/firecat53/urlscan

And then there are other terminal emulators that will recognize URL
and underline it for you.


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