I know this has been discussed before but I can't immediately find the
discussion or a solution.

I'm running Mutt 2.0.5 (2021-01-21) on xubuntu 21.10.

I use Lynx to handle HTML E-Mails through into mutt's viewer, as a
result I get a numbered list of URLs at the bottom of the message and
these are very often long and thus wrap over multiple lines.

This causes a couple of issues:-

    You can't right click on the URL to 'Open Link' or 'Copy link
    address', you only get the first line.

    Even if you select the whole URL with the mouse it then has
    embedded 'white space' and (some) browsers don't handle this
    correctly if you paste the URL into the address bar.

As I say I'm sure this has been discussed before so, sorry if there's
an answer already.  Anyway I'd like to know if there is an answer or

(This issue has just worsened for me because I've moved from Firefox
to Vivaldi.  Firefox ignores the embedded white space OK but Vivaldi

Chris Green

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