On Fri, Nov 12, 2021 at 09:25:47AM +0000, Chris Green wrote:
I know this has been discussed before but I can't immediately find the
discussion or a solution.

Probably not the solution you're looking for, but what I do (and I guess more people here do) is to let go of the mouse entirely and have some external program that understands URLs and we then pipe the message to that program and select the URL we want to open.

In my case:

macro pager e <pipe-entry>'urlscan'<enter> 'Follow links with urlscan'

Then I just press 'e' when reading a message (or CTRL + b for 'urlview', which is a bit simpler), select the URL I want to open and exit that program. Overall it's faster than relying on the mouse, I must say, though it forces you to scan through the list of links until you've found the one you're looking for.


José María (Chema) Mateos || https://rinzewind.org

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