> > This e-mail has υ at the end of Subject.  I will send it out.
> Somehow, the previous e-mail did not contain the replacement character
> at the end of Subject.  I don't know why.  Because the e-mail was
> quoted perhaps?
> [text/plain, quoted, utf-8, 1.3K]
> Bastian's e-mail is 7bit (as is my original e-mail):
> [text/plain, 7bit, us-ascii, 0.7K]
> I try to send this e-mail out in 7bit mode (with υ at the end of
> Subject).

The replacement characters in my previous e-mails do not show up in
mutt's pager (while the one in Bastian's e-mail does; I don't know
why), but if I see those e-mails in gmail, the replacement characters
do appear to exist.

Kenichi Asai

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