On Wed, Aug 03, 2022 at 09:53:42AM +0900, Kenichi Asai wrote:
* In the step:
  "- enter some e-mail address and a subject."
if instead, you put a 加 at the end of the subject here, before running vim,
does 加 show up in vim?


If you then don't modify the subject while still in
vim, does it show up in Mutt?

No.  It becomes the replacement character.

Thank you for taking the time to answer all my questions.

The subject line you sent appears to be truncated by one byte. This also occurred for the 加 emails earlier.

Would you mind creating a script to use for $editor.  Something like:

- - - - myeditor.sh - - - -

  cp $1 ~/before.txt
  vim $1
  cp $1 ~/after.txt
- - - - end myeditor.sh - - -

set editor = "~/myeditor.sh"

Then, if you put 加 at the end of the subject while in Mutt. I'd like to see what before.txt and after.txt look like after vim runs. Please attach them so I can look at the raw bytes.

Also, if you have access to a compiler, would you mind compiling and running this quick program:

- - - - test.c - - - -
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>

int main ()
  printf("%d\n", isspace(0xa0));
  printf("%d\n", isspace(0x85));
  printf("%d\n", isspace(0x0a));

  return 0;
- - - - end test.c - - - -

% gcc -o test test.c
% ./test

Thank you again.

Kevin J. McCarthy
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