Wow. Got it (I think).

What would be nice much easier all round would if there was a tickbox on an 
item saying "inherit Importance from Parent" and another saying "inhert 
Urgency from Parent". And that way life would be very much easier all round 
(!) Given that there is exactly such a thing for "Inherit parent dates" 
this would seem to be a very reasonable request, which if Importance and 
Urgency are to be used "in anger" (by which I mean "seriously" - sorry in 
joke) then a lot of people might find this useful.

In fact, given the choice, personally I would much prefer MLO develop these 
features rather than rather than fix your "bug".  

I'm not sure what the UI would look like... If short of space this could 
possibly be done using a tiny tick box with mouse over text that explains 
what it does. Something like this ?


That way if you wanted to over-ride the parent giving priority you could 
simply un-tick the tick-box(es) as required.

Anyone with me on this?

On Friday, December 5, 2014 6:27:02 AM UTC, Dwight Arthur wrote:
> First we need to discuss how sorting works in a hierarchical view. Then we 
> can discuss computed score.
> Until the current version, MLO allowed hierarchy -or- sorting but no view 
> had both. In MLO v4 we got the ability to sort a hierarchical view. It's a 
> relatively new concept and may not yet be fully mature or debugged.
> When you create a sorted hierarchical view, it's composed in three steps:
> 1. Apply the filter to determine which items will be included in the view. 
> Set them up as a flat list
> 2. Sort the flat list according to the sort specs for the view
> 3. attach the parent and/or child hierarchies as specified. This doesn't 
> change the order of the original flat list except that any item that 
> appears in a hierarchy under some other item can't appear separately in the 
> list.
> In the "all tasks" view the flat list from step 2 would be the list of 
> items at the root. As a result, if you change the sort specs for "all 
> tasks" it changes the order of the root level items but everything below 
> the root is unaffected.
> In the "next actions" view you have been working on, the flat list that 
> gets sorted is *not* (with one exception) the list of projects. It's the 
> list of next actions. The exception is that for a project with no active 
> subtasks, the project itself is the next action. 
> So if you turn off the hierarchy and just make a flat list of next 
> actions, the list should show the next action from each project that has 
> active subtasks, the name of each project that has no active subtasks, the 
> next action from among the active subtasks of each folder, all active 
> actions at the root, and for any task that has active subtasks, the next 
> action among them. Try it and check if this isn't what you get.
> Then you can turn on the parent hierarchy (no parent filter). For every 
> item that's at the root this should add the project or other parent, 
> together with any other higher hierarchy. Try it and see.
> You should also be able to turn off the parent hierarchy and set any 
> arbitrary sort sequence, and see the tasks from your flat list, line 
> themselves up according to the sort spec. And then turn parent hierarchy 
> back on and notice that the tasks haven't moved.
> And that brings us to the most important part: YOU NEED TO SORT THE LIST 
> That's a little weird, as usually when you sort a list it's according to 
> the characteristics of the members of the list. In this case it's according 
> to the characteristics of parents of the list members, and the parents are 
> not even present (for the most part) in the list being sorted. If you look 
> at the list of sort criteria there's no "parent project priority" or 
> anything like it. The only thing that comes anywhere close is 
> computed-score.
> Which brings us to the discussion of computed-score. First, this 
> disclaimer. I don't like computed-score and I don't use computed-score. I 
> find it too hard to understand what it's doing, and too hard to make it do 
> what I want. My reason for using any task manager is to use less of my 
> mental capacity thinking about my tasks and more of it getting them done. 
> With computed-score a big part of my mental capacity goes to endlessly 
> tweaking the computed-score. However, if you want to sort a list of actions 
> into the order of their parent projects' priority it is your only choice.
> Computed-score tries to show each action's priority as an absolute number 
> across everything in the database. For the purposes of computed-score the 
> "importance" and "urgency" in of the action are not absolute numbers, but 
> rather show the relative importance and urgency of this task towards 
> accomplishment of the task's immediate parent. And the parent's importance 
> and urgency show the parent's priority towards accomplishment of the 
> grandparent. So the computed-score of each action shows the cumulative 
> effect of the importance and urgency of every item in the hierarchy all the 
> way back to the root. And it's not just importance and urgency, you can 
> include calculations based on how close is the start date and the due date. 
> You can give extra points if the action is overdue. You can give more 
> points if it's a weekly goal. 
> The objective is to sort the list by priority of the parent project. It 
> seems to me that the best way to do that would be to ensure that every 
> subtask has importance and urgency of 100, or normal. in Options, turn off 
> extra points for overdue tasks, and set the weight for start date, due date 
> and weekly goal as low as possible. Be sure to turn on "show computed score 
> values on task statistics" so you can see what's going on.
> Now you should be able to look at each of your next actions, look in the 
> task statistics, and see the computed score reflecting its parent tree. You 
> probably can't make any actual sense of the computed numbers, but you 
> should be able to verify that the task with a higher priority parent gets a 
> higher computed score. (If this does not work you will need help from 
> someone, either user or staff, who understands computed score better then 
> me.) - then, by setting sort criteria to computed-score you should be able 
> to see your next-actions as well as their parents sorted into the desired 
> sequence.
> One last point, I believe that the right way to exclude folders and their 
> subtasks from this view is what you did, selecting parent hierarchies to be 
> displayed with a parent filter of (not(isfolder)). Unfortunately this does 
> not work, because as soon as any parent filter is specified, all tasks at 
> the root (ie tasks without a parent) are dropped from the view. I tried 
> thinking of other parent filters to use to try to select for everything but 
> folders, but it didn't matter. Any parent filter, regardless of its 
> settings, excludes all root-level items, even including root level projects 
> that have no subtasks. I can't imagine how this would be correct. I can see 
> how there would be a need for a filter that would reject any item that's at 
> the root and therefore is parentless, but that cannot be the correct 
> outcome for every parent filter regardless of its content. This appears to 
> me to be - can i say it - a bug. I would love to hear from anyone who can 
> rationalize how this might not be a bug. Even better would be anyone who 
> could offer a way to exclude root-level folders without also excluding 
> root-level actions and root-level projects with no active subtasks. If 
> nobody shows up in a couple of weeks to respond to this challenge, then I 
> will presume that this is a bug and report it as such.
> -Dwight
> On Thursday, December 4, 2014 12:47:35 AM UTC-5, Dwight Arthur wrote:
>> My conclusion is that my treatise on computed-score may still be 
>> necessary. Will attempt to get it out in the next 24h
>> -Dwight
>> Mlo betazoid on Android sgn2

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