Works here.

Even though my hotkey is set to "Num 0" my independent INS key works fine 
too.  This is a full size keyboard.

If your INS key is in the middle of the keyboard you probably need to hold 
some kind of modifier key with it.  On most Dells I've seen, for example, 
the INS would be written in blue and there's a blue 'Fn' key near the left 
shift or alt keys at the bottom of the keyboard.  Some other keyboards 
(Lenovo maybe?) do it in orange color.   You'd need this same combo to make 
the pg up, pg down, delete, etc work anywhere.
Check and make sure if that's your issue.

If you know that combo already (Fn+Ins) and that's what you've been trying 
that doesn't work then go in your shortcut assignments in MLO and go to the 
Insert Task action and assign/modify the shortcut entering that key combo.  
It may be a different code (internal scan code) from a std INS key and that 
may fix you.

On Sunday, October 28, 2018 at 3:21:58 AM UTC-4, Renman2735 wrote:
> Thanks for that! 
> I checked out the hot key assignments and I see that is was assigned to 
> the INS key on my numeric keypad. So it's listed as "0" for new task and 
> "alt + 0" for my subtask. Yet this still does not work whether with num 
> lock on or off. 
> For some reason my INS key in the centre of the keyboard (the one bunched 
> with delete, home, end, page up, page down) doesn't seem to work. (The 
> other keys here do work though, e.g. pgup pgdn). 
> Anyone have some advice on what's happening here and how to rectify? The 
> old version of MLO had no issues with this. 
> Best regards!
> On Sunday, 28 October 2018 08:18:02 UTC+8, David Timpe wrote:
>> Check your hot key assignments.

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