My company is using it for all database functions.  We're an online
'collection' agency and have been using it for the past 6 months (versions
3.22.23 upgraded to 3.23.36).  In comparison with Borland's
"Interbase" ("Ibase"),  which I supported at the late "Money Store"
corporation for all 100 of it's branches and central databases,  it's far
superior (especially with the fact that you can relocate the physical files to
different storage devices via symbolic links, though I just reported a bug
with the latest version of MySQL in doing just that...).

Unless you're going to have a LOT of users accessing a HUGE database,  the
system you've outlined below will be overkill (do you have any current usage
statistics ?   Are you using the system (is it an E450 ?) for any other
applications/processes ?).

Our database is still pretty small, and ends up entirely in the 1 gig of RAM
we have installed in the server (so disk layout/access is not an issue yet)
but if you grow larger than that,  you'll want to focus on the drive layout
and datafile locations (if you DO have an E450,  make sure you have extra
SCSI controller cards installed,  and spread the drives across their 'paths')
such as placing the data portion (*.MYD) on one set of drives, the 'index'
portion (*.MYI) on another, and any 'temp' files (use the $TEMP variable) on

We're using Compaq 1850R's  with dual Pentium2 processors and a gig of RAM
each.   The MySQL datafiles are spread across the drives in an exteral Compaq
storage array (so the either of the 2 systems can 'grab' the array and take
over the database functions in case of failure,  or during maintanence/upgrade
periods of one of the systems)

"Anthony R. J. Ball" wrote:

>   Now that our use of MySQL is being questioned (but
> they are pretty much convinced). What the higher-ups
> want to know is a few examples of medium to large
> companies using mysql for mission critical stuff.
>   If any one can provide some I would be much appreciated.
> We are a financial company using mysql to back a bunch
> of our new fast-cgi stuff that is about to be opened to
> users, so anything in that genre would be all the better.
>   Examples of generally what kinds of machines there are
> run on could be cool too, but by no means necessary.
>   We are currently running on Solaris 2.7 with like,
> 4 processors and 4 gigs of RAM, I myself have full
> faith in mysql.
>                                 Thanks - Ant
> --
>  ___  __  __    __  _  _  ____    _  _  ____  ____
> / __)(  )(  )  /__\( \/ )( ___)  ( \( )( ___)(_  _)
> \__ \ )(__)(  /(__)\\  /  )__)    )  (  )__)   )(
> (___/(______)(__)(__)\/  (____)()(_)\_)(____) (__)
> Go ahead, jump. 100,000 lemmings can't be wrong.
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