Regarding this issue, I have found that by rebooting the computer,
these problems have gone away (for now). I have a feeling that
this was a subtle permission/ownership problem. Some of the
databases were installed by direct file copy. although this method
has worked well for me on slackware and redhat machines, I'm
going to avoid doing this in the future for ubuntu if I can.
On Tuesday 30 October 2007, Warren Young wrote:
> Tim Johnson wrote:
> >> It isn't "broken," per se.
> >
> >   When you say that it isn't "broken", could you please elaborate?
> Once again: It seems to me that you're seeing a purposeful choice of
> configuration.  It could very well be that the configuration makes sense
> in some one's use.  The fact that it breaks for you doesn't mean the
> configuration makes no sense.
> I don't know for a fact that this is what's going on.  I don't use
> Ubuntu.  I'm just trying to find an explanation for why it is the way it
> is.
Just a quick note regarding ubuntu. To make a long story short, I
moved from slack to ubuntu because of the debian package-management system,
which is "inherited" by ubuntu. When mysql is installed via the debian package
management system, the binaries being installed have been built and 
maintained by the ubuntu development team. From what I know, this team is
well-funded and very able. And the binaries are built for ubuntu in
the "ubuntu way"

> ... why then are you continuing to argue back and
> forth instead of going to and getting a different set of
> binaries to try?  You could have done that about five times in the time
> it's took to have this exchange.  Even if it didn't work, we'd be
> farther along towards a solution by now.

Not necessarily. Read on:
I own a software development company. I have been a database programmer
for 18 years, I'm proficient in C/C++/assembler/VBA/Python/Rebol/javascript
to name just a few. I've used mysql for 7 years, have built my own DBMSs
from scratch. I've worked on VAX, DOS, windows, Redhat linux, slackware linux
and now ubuntu. I wear the badge of "hacker" proudly.
I believe that in windows, there is a "windows way", in redhat, there is a
"redhat way"  in slackware, there is the "slackware way", and in ubuntu
there is the "ubuntu way".

I stuck with the "ubuntu way" because I am now on ubuntu. It is likely that 
using binaries *not* built for ubuntu would just compound the problem.
Given the very, very, large user base of MySQL and the large user base of
ubuntu and the distinct characteristics of the debian package management
system, which is not only used by ubuntu, but by others - it would be worthy
to have a ubuntu(debian)-specific support community for mysql.

Enuff said. I'm done.


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