----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jatin Davey" <jasho...@cisco.com>
> Subject: Re: SHOW FULL COLUMNS QUERIES hogging my CPU
> Certain part of our code uses DataNucleas while other parts of the code

A "data persistence product"... there's your problem.

Persisting objects into a relational database is like fitting a square peg in a 
round hole: it works if you have a big enough hammer, but something is going to 

I'm not going to go into the myriad ways such layers add inefficiencies that 
only get worse with scale; but I suggest you log a ticket with your vendor; 
they're bound to have encountered the problem before. There's probably some 
setting that caches the db metadata instead of requesting it over and over 

In any case, this is nothing that can be fixed on the database level.

Unhappiness is discouraged and will be corrected with kitten pictures.

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