"You need a license if you sell a product designed specifically for use with MySQL or that requires the MySQL server to function at all. This is true whether or not you provide MySQL for your client as part of your product distribution."

Does this mean that I must make all of my web sites non-commercial?
(since I use mySQL as my main DBMS)

I believe no, if it is your company's web site and your clients (along with other web surfers) are simply visiting the websites. On the other hand, if your company builds and then sells a web site for another company and the website needs a mysql database to function at all (a dynamic web site that uses mysql specific SQL for example) then i'm not sure that you can get away without making your siurce GPL or buying a commercial MySQL license.

According to this I can even redistribute mySQL under the terms of GPL
and even to get money from such business. Which doesn't comply with
the text from the mySQL's website...

You can even modify the MySQL source and sell the modified version of MySQL in excange for money BUT you must do all this under the terms of GPL which means publishing the source code with your modifications. And of course you must find people that are willing to give the money to YOU instead of MySQL AB.


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