So this is getting really confusing now...

I have two quite explicit questions to this and I hope there are some
experts listening on this list who can answer them.

(1) I want to start a (small, non-free) webhosting service and offer
webspace with PHP support and a MySQL database account. There will be some
standard tariffs that include a database account but I'm going to make them
available as extra upgrade, too, for a monthly fee. Do I need a MySQL
license for this use? I guess no, but I'm not really sure.

(2) If I'm planning to choose MySQL as DBMS for future software I code in my
one-man-company, instead of MS Access, I'd need to compile the MySQL client
libraries into my application. Another way could be the ODBC interface, but
I have no idea about how that works. Then, I'd tell the company, they need a
MySQL server. I wouldn't integrate it into my software installation, but
could offer the service of installing it on their server, if they can't do
it theirselves. Again, do I or the other company need a commercial license
for this use? (Of course, they pay for my programs.) I guess yes, but what
in detail? Me for the client libraries? I haven't found pricing information
on the MySQL website. And the other company for the entire server? Or is
this free use (though commercial)? And isn't the client library included in
the full license?

I'd be thankful about any clear answers on these issues.

On Sunday, December 07, 2003 10:32 AM CET, Chuck Gadd wrote:
> No.  The instructor at the MySql training class I attended, who is an
> employee of MySql AB, specifically mentioned this example.  In the
> case of a website, you are not distributing Mysql or any MySQL
> library or components to your end users.   So no MySql Commercial
> license is required.
> (...)
> (...)

Yves Goergen
Please don't CC me (causes double mails)

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