Here's a thought:  maybe we've been going about this backwards.  What
if, instead of trying to get Myth to output/support all kinds of
different formats, we took the opposite approach... split out all of
Myth's Nuppel-decode/playback code into an independent library
(libmythnuv ?) and make it available for other projects (Xine, MPlayer,
VideoLAN) to incorporate as a decoder engine.  Or maybe integrating the
core Myth Nuppel code into libmythavformat/libmythavcodec and
contributing it back to the FFMpeg?  Question is: how much of Myth's
internal playback (specifically seeking) is dependent on stuff in the

Just thinking out loud...

Good idea, and I just realized that what you are describing is exatly what I've been looking for... just didn't realize it. I've never wanted my actual Mythbox to do the crunching for export/archival purposes. In fact, I don't even want MPEG2->MPEG4... just commercial cutting. Any other format (archival to VCD, SVCD, DVD, DIVX for computer, etc) should be done *LATER* on the single, master *CUT* file. It shouldn't be rolled into Myth, since there are a lot of other tools that do a better job. The fundamental problem seems to be that you either need:

A) A general purpose transcoding widget that understands the cutlist (read: nuvexport)

B) Get MythTV to do rudimentary lossless cutting of the master (doesn't exist)

Anything else appears to be using the wrong tool for the job. I don't know about inventing another format library, but at least using B) option and making a "normal" file would allow for all possibilities.

Just thinking out loud too...


************************************************************************* * Cory Papenfuss * * Electrical Engineering candidate Ph.D. graduate student * * Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University * *************************************************************************

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