You can also hack mythtv to check the horizontal scan line count
register (0x3c48) directly from the video output code, and get it to
busy-wait until the start of frame. This can be made to work ok, but is
never going to make it into the myth code for good reason.

It sounds interesting... a sort of "software hack" to phoney up VSYNC. IIRC VSYNC support is enabled in MythTV now, but I'm not sure which cards it supports or how to enable it. NVidia only?

No, this works under X too if you set it up right. You need to disable
interlacing in mythtv, of course. Also use 16 bit RGB due to PCI bus
bandwidth in 32 bit RGB.

        Disable [de]interlacing you mean?


* Cory Papenfuss                                                        *
* Electrical Engineering candidate Ph.D. graduate student               *
* Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University                   *

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