On Wed, 2005-02-16 at 15:00 -0500, Cory Papenfuss wrote:
>       Funky... I haven't heard of that matrox-ism.  Is it connected to 
> an S-vid or Composite port or something else (DVI, RGB, component)?

It plugs into the 2nd head 15pin standard vga connector on the card and
has svideo and composite on the other end.  That is for a G400 standard
(in the bedroom computer) and the other option is for the G400 with the
MJPEG junk in it and that is a whole break-out box with composite,
s-video and audio connectors on it.

> If 
> the former, than it's really just a tvout in sheep's clothing... :)  (i.e. 
> Matrox made a dongle required to get tvout of their cards)

Could be.  Not sure what it is exactly under the plastic moulding, and
of course the other device, the whole breakout box, who knows.

>       If you melt your stuff, you've been warned!


Didn't work unfortunately.  I got an error in the console log from the
matroxfb driver that it could not set 720 so used 736 instead.


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