Wasn’t Hadron a Roman emperor who can somehow be blamed for the killing of 
(or was that Jebus?)

or was that Hadrian?  I forget…)

(jest sayin’…)

On Jan 27, 2020, 9:41 AM -0800, Valdis Klētnieks <valdis.kletni...@vt.edu>, 
> On Mon, 27 Jan 2020 07:10:02 +0000, Large Hadron Collider said:
> > As much as Mr Cohen's minor libel of Spamhaus and ARIN exposes him as 
> > perhaps
> > having something to hide on this subject, Mr Guilmette's message here, among
> > the other screeds of his I have read, seems to leak anti-Semitism from its
> > every fetid, infected pore.
> Man, that must be one really high-frqequency dog whistle, because I'm not 
> seeing it.
> The closest I can come is the statement that "Cohen sits in impunity in
> Israel", which combined the next part about him having a US based lawyer, only
> indicated to me that getting the US legal system to get the Israel legal 
> system
> to do something is difficult.
> And tagging on "every fetid, infected pore" certainly demonstrates that you
> don't have any real intention of being fair-minded.
> List management: I think we have a good candidate for somebody to be
> frog-marched to the exit.....

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